Reborn Beauty Inc

Website Sketches

Stage 3: Prelim Sketches

Here you will see preliminary outline sketches for some sections of the website. This site is composed of 8+ pages that flow in the following order:

Home> About> Services> Classes> Shop> Gallery> Forms> Contact Us

Home Page

Home Page Includes: Menu Bar, Call To Action Header, Links to Services, Classes & Products, A Testimonial Slider, Call To Action Footer, Contact Info & Social Media Links. 

About Page

About Page Includes: Menu Bar, Call To Action Header, Owner’s Picture & Story, Company’s Mission Statement, Image and Info about the Studio, Images of The Team, Call To Action Footer, Contact Info & Social Media Links. 

Services Price Page

Service Price Pages Include: Menu Bar, Call To Action Header, Service Description Boxes that include Prices and a “Book Now” button, Call To Action Footer, Contact Info & Social Media Links.

Wire Frames

Stage 3: Wire Frames With Content

After the preliminary sketches & gathering content & information, we move on to creating wire frames that contain more info and a cleaner layout.

Website Specs

Stage 4: Gathering Ideal Specs

Here you can see the color theme that was used throughout the website as well as the font choices

To allow consistency throughout the website all the content was designed to match the logo colors, Pink & Purple

For this website we used fonts that would keep the design clean and fresh. We wanted to give the text breathing room because of the amount of content. We used Big Shoulder Display, Work Sans & Roboto.

For this website we used a WordPress Theme called Ellie, However we did not use the layout as designed. We only sed this theme for it's built in WooCommerce capability. 

Final Product

Stage 5: Putting It All Together

Once we have completed all the stages above, we put it all together. Click the button below to explore the site 🙂

This website is still in progress but feel free to explore 🙂

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Are you ready to start on your next project? We are ready to help! Click the button below to schedule a consultation call.

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